Instant Delivery License Code

Instant Delivery License Code is a message service that automatically notifies us of events related to transactions.

Merchants can use it to automate back-office and administrative functions,
including automatically getting license code and sending it to customers.

Integration Guide

Endpoint URL

POST Parameters

Product ID Product Name Platform
134 ApowerRecover Windows
124 ApowerPDF Windows
116 ApowerMirror Mac
113 ApowerMirror Windows
107 Video Editor Pro Windows
101 Apowersoft Android Recorder Mac
100 Apowersoft Android Recorder Windows
86 Apowersoft iPhone/iPad Recorder Mac
85 Apowersoft iPhone/iPad Recorder Windows
52 Apowersoft Mac Screenshot Mac
49 Apowersoft Phone Manager Windows
47 Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro Windows
45 Apowersoft Mac Video Converter Mac
44 Apowersoft Mac Video Downloader Mac
41 Apowersoft Audio Recorder for Mac Mac
40 Apowersoft Mac Screen Recorder Mac
38 Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro Windows
17 Streaming Audio Recorder Windows
15 Windows Shutdown Assistant Windows
11 Streaming Video Recorder Windows
3 Video Converter Studio Windows
2 Video Download Capture Windows
product_name Optional
license_type There are 2 license types:
passport_type There are 4 passport types:
download_url Optional
email Customer email address
first_name Customer first name
last_name Customer last name
country Customer country
action There are 2 actions:
send_email [will send the license cod to user directly]
get_license [default, just return the license code]

Calculate the HASH signature (PHP example)

<?php    $merchant_id = "example";    $merchant_key = "W9knd8LW3XxhE8WoD8f8";    $email = "";    $product_id = 44;    $hash = md5($merchant_id . $merchant_key . $email . $product_id);?>

Full code sample (PHP example)

<?php    $endpoint_url = "";    $merchant_id = "example";    $merchant_key = "W9knd8LW3XxhE8WoD8f8";    $data['merchant_id'] = $merchant_id;    $data['product_id'] = 44;    $data['product_name'] = 'My custom product name'; // optional    $data['license_type'] = 'personal'; // optional, default is personal    $data['passport_type'] = 'yearly'; // optional, default is yearly    $data['quantity'] = 1;    $data['download_url'] = ''; // optional    $data['email'] = '';    $data['first_name'] = 'Lindorff';    $data['last_name'] = 'Bradley';    $data['country'] = 'Australia';    $data['action'] = 'send_email';    $data['hash'] = md5($merchant_id . $merchant_key . $data['email'] . $data['product_id']);    $postdata = http_build_query($data);    $options = array(        'http' => array(            'method' => 'POST',            'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',            'content' => $postdata,            'timeout' => 30        )    );    $context = stream_context_create($options);    $result = file_get_contents($endpoint_url, false, $context);    /*        JSON FORMAT        {            "state":1,            "email":"",            "license":"XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"        }    */    $json = json_decode($result, true);    if (intval($json['state']) == 1) {        //success    } else {        //error    }?>

The default email template


     License information for {product_name} (Ref:{transaction_id})


    Dear customer,    Below is your registration information:    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Product Name:{product_name}    Email Address(case-sensitive): {email}    Registration Code: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX    License Quantity:{quantity}    License Type: {license_type}    Download URL: {download_url}    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Note: You can install this license on {quantity} PC, please do not share this license with others, or use it on multiple PCs (Not more than{quantity}) in case that your license would be disabled and become invalid.    If you have any questions or need any assistance regarding our software, you can contact with us through support center.    Our support technicians will get back to you in 48 hours.
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