Follow these steps to open one or more PDF files:


Guide to Open PDF Files with ApowerPDF

Drag and drop PDF files

First, start ApowerPDF, then drag the PDF document you want to open into ApowerPDF software, and the PDF document will open automatically.


Start ApowerPDF, select “File”-“Open” in the toolbar, and then select the PDF file to open in the local computer folder.

If you want to open the most recently read document, you can choose “File”-“Recent Document” and select the most recent document to open it.

Feature page

After starting ApowerPDF, in the main interface of the software, select “Open File” to open the PDF file of the local computer.
open file

Of course, you can also click on the recent document above to open the recent documents.

Right click to open PDF file

If you already have ApowerPDF installed, select the PDF file, right-click and select “Open with ApowerPDF” to open it.
use apowerpdf

How to open an encrypted PDF?

If you need to open the PDF document setting a password, no matter what, you need to enter the password. Please contact the PDF author to get the password, and then click “OK” to open.

Set the default PDF reader

Open ApowerPDF, select “Help”, and check “Set to Default PDF Reader” to set ApowerPDF as the default reader for all PDF files on your computer. You do not need to open ApowerPDF, just open the PDF file directly.

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