If you think having an attractive profile picture is important, then continue reading to acquire some useful tips and strategies. It doesn’t require you to have skills only to get a perfect Instagram profile photo. Here are the following solutions that you may follow.
List of Efficient Ways on How to Make Instagram Profile Photo Perfectly with Ease
The first thing that people will see when they visit your account is your profile picture. This is one of the reasons why following the requirements in creating a profile photo is vital. By doing so someone will have a good impression on your account.
Basic Requirements
- The size of the picture must be 180 x 180 pixels. (It ensures a good quality image on both web and mobile devices).
- JPG, GIF, or PNG format
- Show your Face
- Clear shot
How to Make Your Instagram Profile Look Good (Tips & Tricks)
Aiming for a good impression from someone who visited on your account is a big pressure. The initial response whether likable or not. For this reason, you have to consider learning the strategies in terms of creating profile pictures. These things are as follows:
Have a simple background
The background has an important role in the entire photo. It can emphasize or focus the main subject in the photo, and it makes it clean and neat.
Right angle
Finding your perfect angle is also a big help to make an Instagram profile photo even attractive. Before you take a photo, practice your smile in the mirror. Not to mention it’s cost-free since mirrors are available inside your home. This way you would learn and discover what angle suits you.
Proper lighting
Whether natural or artificial lighting gives an extra taste to your profile photo. Another cost-free tip providing a natural only comes from sunlight. Though artificial lighting is linked to a material that you should buy online, yet it’s useful and alternative for natural light.
Edit your photo
It is inevitable to capture an almost perfect photo. This is why you have to edit it after a photoshoot. An Instagram profile photo sometimes requires an editing process after taking it. For instance, you adjust the brightness and contrast to make it look good and pro.
How to Make Instagram Profile Attractive on Phone
Now you have all the tips and tricks that you may refer to, here is an app that will sum up everything you must have. Apowersoft Background Eraser is a useful app that every user is looking for. It offers ready-to-use and built-in awesome profile templates.
The following steps on how to make your Instagram profile look good are simple. Check them below:
- Open the app once installed, and tap the “Remove Person Background” tab to import the photo.
- This app will present you with a transparent result.
- Next, tap “Background” and choose “Profile” to choose the theme that you like for your profile photo.
- If you are already satisfied, hit the “Save HD” button to save on your device.
Apowersoft Background Eraser is also available on Windows and you can have 100 images for free by visiting this page.
To put it simply, creating an Instagram profile photo that makes stand out from the rest does not require any challenging task. A mobile app like Apowersoft Background Eraser is already enough. Try to test all the themes within the app.
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